Australian Standards


Standards Australia is the national body that sets, reviews and manages electrical standards in Australia.

ETU members will be familiar with the AS/NZS 3000:2007 otherwise known in the industry as the wiring rules. AS/NZS 3000:2007 forms the standard for the electrical industry across Australia and New Zealand.

These standards are reviewed on a regular basis and amendments issues as required. ETU members who require a printed copy of AS/NZS 3000:2007 or further information on the Australian wiring standards should visit the Standards Australia Website .

The electrical and electricity industry across Australia is regulated by both commonwealth and state regulators.

ETU members should keep up to date on regulation relating to our industry. The union has provided some information to assist members in finding relevant information relating to the regulation of our industry.

National Workplace Safety


Australian workplace safety policy is set at a national level by Safe Work Australia.   All states and territories have their own set of workplace safety laws and regulations along with their own state or territory based authorities.  Safe Work Australia provides advice relating to standards, regulation, advice and directives and can be a valuable resource for workers when it comes to information of workplace safety.

For more information visit the SafeWork Australia website .

National Electrical Licencing


Electrical licensing is currently managed by each state and territory but is moving to a national licensing model. The ETU have been an active participant in the development of the new National Licensing model which is being developed by the National Occupational Licensing Authority.
For more information on national licensing please visit the new national Automatic Mutual Recognition of Occupational Registrations (AMR) scheme website .

National Skills & Training


E-Oz Energy Skills Australia is the Commonwealth Governments declared industry skills council for the energy sector trades covering such industries as Electrotechnology, Electrical distribution, transmission and rail, Electricity generation and Gas transmission.  The role of E-Oz is to consult with industry stake holders including unions on matters relating to training and skills in the energy sector.

For more information on what E-Oz does and how their work affects ETU members visit the E-Oz Energy Skills Australia website.



Workplace safety in NSW is regulated and enforced by SafeWork NSW.  SafeWork NSW oversees workplace safety, sets safety standards within NSW and enforces safety regulation and standards.  In addition to these services SafeWork NSW also provides information for people working in the electrical and other industries on safety matters by providing guidelines, advice and directives. 

Safety is a very important issue to the ETU and we encourage all members to be vigilant when it comes to workplace safety. If your witness unsafe work practices you should immediately notify your employer and your ETU Organiser who will offer immediate assistance.  All safety breeches should be immediately reported to your ETU Organiser.

For additional information on your employers obligations visit the SafeWork NSW website

NSW Electrical Licencing & Regulation


Electrical Licensing in NSW is currently a role of NSW Fair Trading. All electricians working in NSW must hold a valid electrical licence regardless of the value of the job or whether the work is residential, commercial or industrial.  Failure to hold a valid electrical license carries severe penalties.  

Further information on NSW electrical licensing requirements please visit the NSW Fair Trading Electrical website .

NSW Skills & Training


The NSW Utilities & Electrotechnology Industry Training Advisory Board (ITAB) provides the NSW Government and energy industry with advice relating to vocational education and training matters for the NSW electricity supply industry, electrotechnology, gas and water sectors.  The NSW Utilities & Electrotechnology ITAB acts as a conduit between government, educators and industry stake holders including unions.

For more information visit the NSW Utilities & Electrotechnology ITAB website .

The ETU supports the NSW TAFE system in their delivery of electrical and electrotechnology courses and recommends TAFE to ETU members. For more information on training courses offered by TAFE NSW visit the TAFE NSW website .


ACT Workplace Safety


Workplace safety in the ACT is regulated and enforced by WorkSafe ACT.  WorkSafe ACT oversees workplace safety, sets safety standards within the ACT and enforces safety regulation and standards.  In addition to these services WorkSafe ACT also provide information for people working in the electrical and other industries on safety matters by providing guidelines, advice and directives. 

Safety is a very important issue to the ETU and we encourage all members to be vigilant when it comes to workplace safety. If your witness unsafe work practices you should immediately notify your employer and your ETU Organiser who will offer immediate assistance.  All safety breeches should be immediately reported to your ETU Organiser.

For additional information on your employers obligations visit the WorkSafe ACT website .

ACT Electrical Regulation


Electrical Licensing in the ACT is currently a role the Department of Environment and Sustainable Development. All electricians working in the ACT must hold a valid electrical licence regardless of the value of the job or whether the work is residential, commercial or industrial.  Failure to hold a valid electrical license carries severe penalties.

Further information on the ACT electrical licensing requirements please visit the Department of Environment and Sustainable Development Electrical Licensing website .

ACT Skills & Training


The ACT Utilities and Light Manufacturing Industry Training Board (ULMITB) provides the ACT Government and energy industry with advice relating to education and training matters for the ACT electrical, electricity supply, water, gas and light manufacturing industries.  The ULMITB acts to identify and implement industry training standards and strategies in the ACT.

For more information visit the ACT Utilities and Light Manufacturing Industry Training Board website .

The ETU supports the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) in their delivery of electrical and electrotechnology courses and recommends CIT to ETU members living and working in the ACT.

For more information on training courses offered by CIT visit the Canberra Institute of Technology website .