ETU support and services for women in the electrical industry

NSW & ACT Women’s Committee

NSW and ACT Women’s Committee was established in mid 2019 and consists of members across the electrical industry providing input and recommendations to ensure that all of our female members feel adequately supported in their workplace. With the support of the committee a competition was held to design an ETU NSW and ACT women’s shirt which is now available to order.  The committee meets quarterly and any members who would like more information or are interested in participating can email [email protected]

NSW & ACT Affirmative Action Officer

The NSW Affirmative Action Officer Raven Maris was elected in mid 2023 to ensure that a female representative will be involved when making decisions within the union. Raven has worked in the electrical industry for most of her working career and is passionate about ensuring all women in our trade are well supported. She is a long standing delegate at her company. Raven can be contacted by emailing [email protected]

The ETU supports diversity

The ETU supports diversity. The union aims to provide a platform for a range of diverse, influential voices with the intention of using equity to create equality. 
The ETU strives to enable women in the electrical industry to be seen, valued and heard by engaging in forums or panels that can demonstrate the need to take everyone on the journey, to create diverse workplaces, unions and industries. We recognise that this can be achieved by providing opportunities for gender diverse panel discussions.  

Experiencing trouble at work and need advice? 

Contact your organiser, or the ETU office at [email protected] or (02) 9267 4844.
Additional support within the union is available by contacting Tara Koot on 0488 931 108 or email [email protected]